Random Thoughts on Adventuring in the Solar System
Mars with an Arctic Ocean, Image by NASA The internet got some scientific excitement yesterday with NASA's announcement of discovering evidence of water on Mars. This got me thinking to science fiction set in our own solar system - primarily in RPGs. It's not a particularly common setting, especially once you remove retro style games which focus on a pulpier version of the solar system such as Space: 1889 and Rocket Age . Those are wonderful games, but I'm talking games set in a slightly harder setting. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few - many of which I've minimal familiarity with. The one I know best is probably TSR's old XXVc RPG , published in the late 80s and early 90s. It gets a fair amount of negative attention, largely due, I suspect, to the fact that heirs of the John F. Dille, creators of Buck Rogers, were in control of TSR and dictated this game be made. With that caveat, I do feel it to have been an unappreciated game - looking at the ...