Developing a Superhero Campaign: Finalizing System Considerations

After a lot of discussion and examination we've come down to our final candidates for a superhero game system - and also we're narrowing in on elements of the campaign and the setting. Our two final candidates are Supers! and some form of Fate . I've talked about Supers! before. In its favor is a very straightforward game engine. When you want to do something you determine what stat it is you want to use and you roll a bunch of six sided dice, based upon that stat. That stat could be some skill, a superpower, your ability to resist something, etc. It encourages some creative narration, especially in that you typically can only use an ability to defend once per round. See below for an idea of a Supers! set of character sheets, as excerpted from the game: As one can see, the game is emphasizing simplicity when it comes to stats. There's a number of different Fate games. I'm considering three of them. They are: Daring Superheroes Fate Core with Venture...