Observations from Penny Dreadful Cthulhu Character Generation
As a reminder, Penny Dreadful Cthulhu = Pulp Cthulhu By Gaslight. Given that the Penny Dreadfuls were the forerunners to the later Pulps, it's not a particularly large leap. This week we kicked off character generation. Here's who we have so far: A noble whose older brother has the seat in the House of Lords and whose parents were killed about ten years ago by criminals. The noble's valet. He served the noble's father. Dad was a diplomat and the valet was actually a spy in the Great Game. Valet now secretly seeks vengeance on the criminal element for killing his friend. A muckraking journalist who has made a bit of a name for himself covering the valet's vigilante activities. This weekend we'll be making the final character, an Irish-American Catholic priest who after an unpleasant encounter in the United States (where he ran into the noble on an American tour), is traveling to London in search of answers. Though the player in question is unfamili...