My Dream Call of Cthulhu Sourcebooks

I've been poking my nose in Call of Cthulhu a bit of late. I recently picked up Chaosium's Darker Trails supplement for Call of Cthulhu, detailing Mythos gaming in the Old West. It's very well done, though I'm not yet at the point of being able to give it a full review. I'm pleased that Chaosium seems to have regained its footing after many years in the gaming wilderness.

With Chaosim exploring new settings for Call of Cthulhu, I got to thinking of a laundry list of settings that would be interesting for current edition of the game.

  • Updating the Gaslight and Dark Ages sourcebooks. The Clark Ashton Smith setting of Averoigne could work well in a Dark Ages type campaign.
  • Gilded Age America - kind of an east coast counterpart to Darker Trails. I've had Gaslight games find their way to New York City and it's an untapped setting for such gaming.
  • Colonial-era America - Using Cthulhu Dark to experiment with colonial American Mythos gaming really made me appreciate how well the setting fits the genre.
  • Hyperborea - Another Clark Ashton Smith inspired setting.
  • 1920s Boston - While Lovecraft Country has received a lot of attention, a sourcebook on 1920s Boston would be fantastic.


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