Star Wars: Dark Empire

- Emperor Palpatine
I first saw an advertisement for Star Wars: Dark Empire in a book previewing upcoming Marvel comics, either in 1989 or 1990. Marvel had produced a Star Wars comic until 1986 and kept their Ewoks and Droids comics going until around 1987. And then nothing. So I was greatly looking forward to Marvel's Dark Empire. As it turned out, Marvel wound up not releasing Dark Empire and Dark Horse Comics gained the license to Star Wars. For the most part, they did some great stuff with it (along with a few misses). When Marvel and Lucasfilm both under the Disney corporate umbrella it was no surprise that the license went back to Marvel after over two decades at Dark Horse. Overall I think Marvel has done a good job with the license - the Darth Vader comic especially has been fantastic.
What about Dark Empire itself? At the time, starved for new Star Wars, I thought it was great. It was released around the time the lean years of Star Wars materials were ending.
I'm hoping I can safely avoid spoiler warnings cor a comic over twenty years old, but suffice it to say I'll be giving some plot details... Let's give ourselves a little gap.
Luke Skywalker has sensed the return of Palpatine and allows himself to be taken by Imperial forces so he can be brought before him. He learns that Palpatine is effectively immortal, as when a body dies his consciousness goes to a specially prepared clone. Supplemental text (which is no longer published with reprints) indicated this is why Palpatine was so ready for Luke to strike him down in Return of the Jedi - even his own death would not be permanent. Finding himself trapped with no way to defeat the Emperor, Luke agreed to give into the Dark Side of the Force and pledged himself to the Emperor, hoping to learn the secrets of the Dark Side from within and find a way to defeat the Emperor. Han, Leia, and Chewbacca end up pursuing Luke in an attempt to bring him back from the Dark Side of the Force.

Probably the biggest points of contention with this story are the return of Palpatine and Luke going over to the Dark Side. On the first point, one can hardly blame author Tom Veitch for not knowing that Anakin Skywalker was supposed to bring balance to the Force. I've seen arguments that Dark Empire makes his sacrifice meaningless. I see their point, though without this sacrifice its uncertain the Rebel Alliance would have triumphed in Return of the Jedi and Luke would surely have been killed. The idea of Palpatine making use of rapidly aging clone bodies seemed a reasonable one, especially given we knew nothing of the Clone Wars at the time the comic was published.

Though in the Legends continuity, Dark Empire does present an interesting look at the dawn of what became known as the "Expanded Universe". Even within the EU, there was some debate as to just how "canon" the story was - a later story had Mara Jade commenting that she wasn't convinced that clone of the Emperor was truly Palpatine. Regardless, the story and art make for an enjoyable experience.
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