Thoughts on Fate Accelerated Superheroes

I certainly could be mistaken, but to the best of my knowledge there's not a Fate Accelerated Superhero RPGVenture City, a type of cyberpunk superhero setting, and Daring Comics RPG, a more traditional superhero RPG for Fate. Admittedly. Fate Accelerated is a variant of Fate Core, but I think there's a great opportunity for a Fate Accelerated Superhero game. Fainting Goat Games does have a Villains Accelerated supplement which is a listing of supervillains in Fate Accelerated, giving a good example of how one might realize such characters.
. Off the top of my head, I can think of two main Fate Core products -

Like most Fate campaigns, it would be important in a Fate Accelerated superhero game to get general agreement on the type of game you're looking for. One could have cosmic superheroes like the Green Lantern Corp down to street level superheroes such as Batman and Daredevil. Of course, comics like Justice League have put Batman and Green Lantern together, but that too is a campaign agreement that would need to be reached.

What I like about a Fate Accelerated superhero campaign is the ability to leverage aspects as permissions - aspects can be used for Green Lantern's power ring, Daredevil's super senses, etc.

The recent Dresden Files Accelerated gives an idea how one might add a bit of crunch to such a game. Where Dresden Files Accelerated has mantles to define various types of characters, a superhero game might have something like archetypes - bricks, speedsters, energy projectors, etc.


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