Colonial Gothic July 2017 Bundle of Holding

I don't think I've ever pitched a Bundle of Holding before but I'd encourage people to check out the Colonial Gothic Bundle of Holding, valid for the next 15 or so days. Richard Iorio II, owner of Rogue Games, is donating 100% of his proceeds, to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Richard lost three friends in succession to suicide in 2015. Having dealt with mental health issues and a daughter dealing with depression and suicidal ideation it is a cause quite dear to my heart.

Colonial Gothic is a great reference for gaming in Colonial America in the period of and around the American Revolution (with expansions covering other periods). Even if the rules don't grab you it provides a massive amount of information and inspiration for gaming in the period. The rules and supplements cover Native American and colonist characters, French North America, British North America, the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, etc. And of course there's a supplement if you want to add Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos to your game - a logical addition, given works by Lovecraft having connections to the period (see for example "Dreams in the Witch House" and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward).

A Colonial-era game has long been on my "some day" list of games to play - it's a great deal to get all of the books at a low price and help a worthy cause.


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