Fate Accelerated Star Wars Character Stats

I thought it might be interesting to post some stats for our Fate Accelerated Star Wars characters. The game is set in the time leading up to Rogue One and A New Hope, with our heroes working for Bail Organa.

These stats are before any milestones are accounted for.

Gaven Stark

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3

High Concept: The old ways are gone and it's up to me to bring them back.
Trouble: It may not earn me a medal but it will sure to get me noticed
Other Aspects: I know my way around a blaster
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Careful: Mediocre (+0)
Clever: Average (+1)
Flashy: Good (+3)
Forceful: Fair (+2)
Quick: Fair (+2)
Sneaky: Average (+1)


Chest full of medals: +2 Flashy attack with a blaster

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Growing up at the end of the Clone Wars, Stark had an idealized vision of the Old Republic and believed the Empire was a noble continuation of it. He served many years in the Imperial Army with distinction but came to realize that the Empire was a force for evil and corruption.

Marcus Doha

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3

High Concept: Senior Mercenary Captain
Trouble: Sole Caretaker of Rane Thanewulf
Other Aspects: Former Champion Swoop Racer
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Careful: Average (+1)
Clever: Fair (+2)
Flashy: Average (+1)
Forceful: Fair (+2)
Quick: Mediocre (+0)
Sneaky: Good (+3)


Recon Master: When performing reconnaissance use Sneaky to Create Advantage at +2

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Marcus served with distinction during the Clone Wars. At the end of the Clone Wars he adopted an adolescent daughter who was orphaned in the fighting. After she grew up he took on a variety of roles in the galaxy from swoop racer to mercenary. After the death of his daughter he became the guardian of his granddaughter.

R2-C4 [AKA BT-C4]

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3

High Concept: Assassin droid masquerading as an R2 unit
Trouble: Wanted by the Empire
Other Aspects: Still an astromech, though not the most reliable one
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Careful: Fair (+2)
Clever: Good (+3)
Flashy: Fair (+2)
Forceful: Average (+1)
Quick: Average (+1)
Sneaky: Mediocre (+0)


Frag Grenades: Once per session, R2-C4 may attack using Force up to three zones away by tossing a fragmentation grenade. This attack targets everyone in a given zone, friend and foe alike, and deals a 1-shift hit at minimum to each target, even if the targets successfully defend against the attack

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Part of the BT-1 series of assassin droids, R2-C4 was designed by the Empire as part of the Tarkin Initiative. The BT-1 series always had a streak for independence and while C4 remains quite dedicated towards the violence it was programmed for, it has redirected that violence against the Empire.

R2-C4 is heavily armed with a blaster projector, vibroblade, and grenade launcher. It has the normal series of R2-unit accessories though some compromises in quality have been made to make room for its weaponry.


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