#RPGaDay2015 Day 1 - Forthcoming game you're most looking forward to

I've been on a bit of an unintended hiatus - nothing traumatic or massive going on but just busy. I felt perhaps participating in the #RPGaDay2015 might be a good way to get a bit of a flow going. I imagine some of my postings will be brief and I'll be posting a few topics that vary from the above when one is not appropriate or interesting for me

So for Day 1, the forthcoming game I'm most looking forward to. There's quite a few I'm really looking forward to. Coming to mind quickly is the new Delta Green game that will be kickstarting in September, but with it being a largely unknown quantity, that earness is largely based on my love of Call of Cthulhu and the fact that it is being developed by a number of my favorite RPG developers. Though not a game, I'm also looking forward Cubicle 7's World War Cthulhu Cold War. Born in the early 70s I'm probably among the last group of people to really remember the Cold War being a thing and I love the fiction of John le Carré. I've been eager to run a game set in the 70s or 80s, with a world I actually remember but with the instantaneous communication of the modern world dialed back.

That said, I'd have to say I'm most looking forward to Evil Hat's Dresden Files Accelerated. I didn't make it into the initial playtest and with the beta rules playtest due out in August, I'm hoping to be able to take the game for a spin (though the odds are probably not in my favor). I greatly enjoy Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series. I really like what Evil Hat has done with their Dresden Files RPG but I feel the game is perhaps a bit too crunchy for my group. I find the slightly later Fate Core edition as well as the Atomic Robo game based upon those rules to be a bit more elegant of a system. I've multiple players in the group who are familiar with the Dresden Files and I think Fate Accelerated would be a perfect match for us. I still might take the larger Dresden Files RPG for a spin but I'm pretty sure when the Accelerated version comes out I'll be wanting to play it.


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