Kickstarter Deliveries and Other Late Summer Shininess

I've been deluged by Kickstarter fulfillments over the past several weeks. And I've also been looking over other shiny things and checking out some older games. That's what happens when I'm between semesters in grad school apparently...

So what's been at top of mind lately...

  • Ghostbusters - I'd originally intended a single game but I think we're going to do a mini-campaign at the very least. 
  • Star Wars - I hear there's a new movie coming out...
  • Call of Cthulhu - In all honesty, it's not quite at the top of mind but it is a game I always find myself going back to and it's been a while since my last Cthulhu game. The stars may be aligning...
  • Delta Green - The new Delta Green game is rather awesome. While it clearly and proudly shows its Call of Cthulhu DNA it is definitely its own thing. I'm kinda hoping that the full core book comes out sooner rather than later so I can get more information on the organization that is Delta Green.
  • TimeWatch - I wrote about this a few posts ago and it is definitely a fun looking game and as a lover of history it might be rather fun to get some time travel under our belts...
  • Atomic Robo - Not a new game, though I did just get the notification that my Atomic Robo Reprint Regalia rewards have just shipped. And that'd allow for dinosaurs...
  • Traveller - Amazingly, I've never got around to doing a Traveller game. The new Mongoose incarnation seems rather nicely realized, though a bit on the pricey side. After binge-watching The Expanse I definitely have a bit of a science fiction itch. 
  • Stars Without Number - For many of the same reasons as Traveller, with a bit of a D&D flavor.
  • Firefly - For something a bit more narrative and less "hard" science fiction, there's always Firefly.
  • 7th Sea - I've recently received this corebook as well. My own interests are probably a bit more along the lines of the upcoming New World supplements which will be coming out. But I always regretted never checking this game out in the 1990's...

If any gazillionaire wants to send me a few billion I can quit my job and play all of these. 


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